
She handled the War in Gaza very well!

I, a common Norwegian intellectualist, really enjoy reading newspaper debates and comments in Norwegian media (Aftenposten.no, Dagsavisen.no, VG.no etc). But since the start of Israeli bombardment of Gaza in December, the war discussions have occupied the newspaper columns every single day. It seems apparently that this conflict is the greatest in the world? I assume this isn't the truth! Anyway, the politicians and commentators can't resist telling how they would act to the real situation.

Norway is a peaceful nation. We think there is only a peaceful solution to any conflict. War is not the solution (The allied invasion of Iraq has been proven to be so). Norway has great resources (oil, gas) and solid institutions, though. I believe intellectualists think resources are the main reason to the Israel-Palestine conflict, not religion, terrorist groups nor ethnicity. 

The government has taken part in peace negotiations in the 90s. And the Noble Peace Institute is by the way in Oslo. Is this "peace image" the reason that people of Scandinavia apparently must be gifted or blessed experts in solving conflicts in the world? Cause Norwegians never war! Except resisting Nazi-German scum during WW2! We are so great that we right away should export free oil to poor Gaza. Oh right! 

Now, I get sick when I read about politicians getting support for their view on how to "handle" the war situation in Gaza correctly. It either refers to claims that "Israel has the right to defend themselves" or "The situation is very difficult. The attack on Gaza is illegitimate", or combinations of these statements. It is known that the parts are not willing to negotiate anymore, even during cease fire. The conflict is jammed.

Remember! We didn't handle the situation. It did not happen at all!