Internet is for porn. Internet offer you great many things than porn. You can name anything that you want to find on Google. But there is definitively a lot more porn on internet now than ten years ago.
In the early beginning, we boys looked for dirty pictures. Now, we can stream videos without paying for them. There are unbelievable amounts of videos and pictures that are "free of charge". At this point, I think I get damaged in some way? It can't be healthy to watch porn? There is no truth in porn. Why do I need porn, really?
I watch porn for my imagination and curiosity. Like I tend(ed) to fall in love (with more or less pretty girls I don't know), I need to trick or blind myself to get excited. Imagination is strengthening my natural arousal. That brings me greater pleasure. And I am damn pretty good about pleasuring myself. I just need some kind of inspiration for my brain to keep it going. In fact, I don't need porn. I can just use my imagination, like I did before. But porn may give faster arousal.
I can't any longer get excited over "normal" porn. I get very quickly bored. Almost all porn is boring to watch. That's because I have the feeling that I have seen things before. I know what happens. I know that an hour long porn video may take 3 days to shoot. I know that I just look at meaningless pumping, screaming or sucking action. Professionals don't arouse me. No!
I rather like real amateur porn videos. Once I have seen a new footage, I normally don't watch it a second time. Therefore, I never store porn on my hard disc. So, I must look for more if I want to keep my curiosity for porn.
I also think porn is damaging. If I am lucky spending quality time with a girl, I can't just tell her to bend over. Nor suck on her toes and breasts, lick her clitoris, nor run fingers into her vagina. That's not quite how thing will work well for both parts, I guess. Porn creates myths that we shouldn't respond to.
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